Happy Living !

In my understanding Happy Living is the combination of 2 or 3 of following elements.
a healthy body,
a healthy mind
a healthy spirit.
However, “Happy Living” doesn’t necessarily mean that you will never cry or feel sad or mad or get sick, even if you comprehend the Happy Living concept and adapt into your life. On the contrary, we are surrounded by so many environmental conflicts and conditions and can be affected emotionally or physically by them.
Yet, if we appreciate and exercise Happy Living, our chance to have a quality life can be very high.
Happy living is not some kind of goal that must be accomplished in a certain time. It is a life style, and you may be happy within the process, there is no beginning or end for feeling happy!
a healthy body,
a healthy mind
a healthy spirit.
However, “Happy Living” doesn’t necessarily mean that you will never cry or feel sad or mad or get sick, even if you comprehend the Happy Living concept and adapt into your life. On the contrary, we are surrounded by so many environmental conflicts and conditions and can be affected emotionally or physically by them.
Yet, if we appreciate and exercise Happy Living, our chance to have a quality life can be very high.
Happy living is not some kind of goal that must be accomplished in a certain time. It is a life style, and you may be happy within the process, there is no beginning or end for feeling happy!
Around the world 2025
Happy Cold winter 2025
World's food of 2024
enjoying holidays of 2024
Here we are approaching to another Christmas and New Years rush! We hardly caught Thanksgiving celebrations at home this year, because we were abroad for a long time.
“Home sweet Home” I am so happy to be home for the holidays and feel lucky that I had a chance to place my Christmas tree in my house and we are having great time with its glittery lights every day during the holidays.
This year ours and our loved one’s health is the biggest gift to ourselves and each other. So, we decided not to go for gift race rather enjoyed walking in the mall enjoying the joy of the season’s greetings.
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“Home sweet Home” I am so happy to be home for the holidays and feel lucky that I had a chance to place my Christmas tree in my house and we are having great time with its glittery lights every day during the holidays.
This year ours and our loved one’s health is the biggest gift to ourselves and each other. So, we decided not to go for gift race rather enjoyed walking in the mall enjoying the joy of the season’s greetings.
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Taste of Anatolia fall 2024
The summer of 2024 is almost over. Our homeland where we came to spend the summer and the magnificent Mediterranean Sea continue to hosting us with its azure color, while the sun that used rise every morning behind the island in front of us during summer months, has now started to rise from the horizon and right over the sea. The scenery is breathtaking!
We could not get enough of watching this view for years, however, every region of our beautiful homeland surrounded by the sea on three sides is full of incredible beauties, each corner is another treasure.
We could not get enough of watching this view for years, however, every region of our beautiful homeland surrounded by the sea on three sides is full of incredible beauties, each corner is another treasure.
our sourdough adventure-summer 2024
Our Sourdough Adventure
I have been trying to bake my own bread recently, but never tried making sourdough bread. Thanks, to my daughter in law getting me into this long, fun and super delicious bread making. During our last visit, she asked us if we like sourdough bread and then, she tried to engage me into feeding the starving sourdough cells, which I actually didn’t know the procedure. Same night she served us delicious garlic sourdough bread. when we are leaving, she packed a small amount of starter for us to make our own bread.... Read More |
Distant Lands-spring 2024
We are traveling around Australia these days. Maybe some people visit this wonderful land many times, but for us it is once in a life time experience which I find myself very lucky to have this opportunity. As I travel more places, I witness a big picture better and I see, that world’s people are very different from one another.
Even in the same country from region to region there are basic differences. Traditions, clothing, personal habits, social behaviors and food vary according to ecological and in fact geographical conditions.
But one thing is same in general and that is social impact of food! Food brings friends and family together, food is a motivation for parties, for business meetings and many other social activities.
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Even in the same country from region to region there are basic differences. Traditions, clothing, personal habits, social behaviors and food vary according to ecological and in fact geographical conditions.
But one thing is same in general and that is social impact of food! Food brings friends and family together, food is a motivation for parties, for business meetings and many other social activities.
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Fortunately 2023
Happy Holidays 2023
Our Youngsters said: "i am thankful everything and everybody i love" "I am Thankful for my family, Friends and food" 'I am thankful for my family,Nana and uncle" "i am thankful for my teacher and playground" ...And I am thankful for their joy and love! Read more |
I believe, a healthy living is an art!
We don’t have to go fitness center or take an exercise class to be well. I believe that doing some research, getting to know our body, and adapting our life style into our daily needs such as nutrition, exercise and sleep patterns according to our body’s need are very important first steps for a healthy life.
Why I said healthy living is an art? Because we spend a big part of our adult life working, and raising children and most likely in difficult conditions. This fast pace life style may not allow us to prioritize our health needs. This is where determination and creativity come into play. These two elements are the most important principles of making art!
Result is in general comes out very impressive!
Here are my five principles, those I have been working on last couple of years.
Please Click on the titles to review 5 basic principles of healthy living;
1- What is a good fat and why do we need it (Christmas 2022) (READ)
2- Eliminating refined sugar from our diet (Autumn 2022) (READ)
3- Importance of balanced diet (Spring 2023) (READ)
4- Benefits and ways of good night sleep (Happy Summer 2023) (READ)
5- Give yourself 30 minutes everyday exercising, stretching and breathing. ( Hello Autumn 2023) (READ)
We don’t have to go fitness center or take an exercise class to be well. I believe that doing some research, getting to know our body, and adapting our life style into our daily needs such as nutrition, exercise and sleep patterns according to our body’s need are very important first steps for a healthy life.
Why I said healthy living is an art? Because we spend a big part of our adult life working, and raising children and most likely in difficult conditions. This fast pace life style may not allow us to prioritize our health needs. This is where determination and creativity come into play. These two elements are the most important principles of making art!
Result is in general comes out very impressive!
Here are my five principles, those I have been working on last couple of years.
Please Click on the titles to review 5 basic principles of healthy living;
1- What is a good fat and why do we need it (Christmas 2022) (READ)
2- Eliminating refined sugar from our diet (Autumn 2022) (READ)
3- Importance of balanced diet (Spring 2023) (READ)
4- Benefits and ways of good night sleep (Happy Summer 2023) (READ)
5- Give yourself 30 minutes everyday exercising, stretching and breathing. ( Hello Autumn 2023) (READ)
(5th principles of well being)
Let’s breath and move
autumn 2023
Let’s breath and move;
A sedentary lifestyle and poor breathing destine your body to an early aging and to have an unhealthy body. Breathing efficiently: When people around me tell me that they don't feel well, the first thing I say is "whether they practice breathing or not?” The answer I usually get, with a confused face (as if what I said was very strange) is that “You cannot live without breathing!” Read more... |
(4th Principles of well being)
Benefits and ways of goodnight sleeping
Summer 2023
We need eight hours sleep daily for our wellness besides all other principles,
I think my brain doesn’t like to disconnect from daily activities and relax .From the school years to all the way to my retirement, right before I sleep, I used to plan about my schedule for the next day, and sometimes I even used to dream about it. I used to wake up in the morning before daybreak and the first thing comes to my mind would be the things, I would do that day. All those years my mandatory responsibilities affected my sleeping quality. Read more |
(3rd principles of well being)
Importance of Balanced diet
Spring 2023
I believe that excessive behaviors in our lives are not healthy. Exercising overly to lose weight, watching too much TV, steering to our cell phones way too long, having obsessive cleaning routines, being too dependent to other people for the name of love, and even being extremely social may eventually harm our well being.
All these activities and feelings are very natural part of our lives. However, everything is good in moderation, (our daily activities, our social life, sport activities etc.) otherwise we steal time and energy from one or the other routines that we can accomplish. Living.... read more... |
Year of 2022
(2nd of five principals of well Being)
Eliminating refined sugar from our diet
Christmas 2022
All over the world researches show any added refined sugar in our food is dangerous for our health. I know many people whose uncontrolled consumption of sugar in youth turned into a sugar addiction in the years to come.
I saw these people faced many health problems starting with, obesity, declining in memory, pancreatic diseases, liver damage, arterial inflammation, advanced diabetes; therefore, quality of their life decreased at an early age. I read somewhere that men shouldn’t consume read more ... |
(1st of five principles of well being)
What is a good fat and why do we need it?
Autumn 2022
We need to know the type of the fat that we consume everyday.
The -good fat- is monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. They are good for the heart, balancing Lipid panel (level of total cholesterol, lower LDL, increase HDL) We can count, avocado, dark chocolate, nuts, olive oil, flax seed, chia seed, hemp seed, among vegetable good fat and fatty fishes, moderately consumed eggs among the animal good fat food sources. Good fat is essential as an energy source and to support the cell function, also they help absorbing certain nutrients in our body to produce hormones. Read more |
road to no inflammation no pain life
Summer 2022
You may find plenty information about Inflammation on the web to understand better and heal ourselves faster from this painful process.
“Inflammation” is our body’s healing response to internal or external injuries. For instance, when bacteria get in the body or we have a skin burn, inflammatory cells attack the bacteria or burned area to heal the injured tissue. However, if inflammation occurs without any injury or continue prolonged time, it is called chronic inflammation and that could be symptoms of more serious health issue. Foremost Inflammation causes are following; Read more |
Brighter, Happier, Healthier
spring 2022
While we are excited to come out of the misery of last two years of pandemic and welcome a New Year with a hope, there are many unfortunate events happening around the world, what make us unhappy and we cannot fit them into our hearts........
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"Hope" in 2021
Merry Christmas 2021 and A Happy New Year to everyone!
A Jolly Bunch
towards to the end of the year
December 2021
I’ve been observing lately that the people are making more effort to be healthy and happy than in the past.
In order to adapt to difficult living conditions, people pay more attention to positive thinking, a better diet and maintaining daily sports activities. By the way, over disciplined diet may overwhelm us, that’s why I think it’s okay to enjoy the food we like to have once in a while. Approaching the holidays is the best time to indulge ourselves with comfort food! Happy Days to everyone! |
2021 autumn
Looking forward to Healthier days
My Only wish for this beautiful autumn day is, despite all differences, we would have the wisdom to understand, cherish and love each other in this short but very precious life !
Happy Days.
My Only wish for this beautiful autumn day is, despite all differences, we would have the wisdom to understand, cherish and love each other in this short but very precious life !
Happy Days.
Cooking with free spirit July 2021
You may find many cook books sold in the bookstores which have hundreds of recipes that suits your taste, life style or diet, or countless recipes on the internet. Our purpose is to cook (or bake) a good food that we enjoy along with its nutritious value.
When we pick a recipe from one of those sources, we have a tendency to follow the recipe precisely what the recipe suggests, most of the time it turns out well.... Read More |
Hello April 2021! Nature is waking up for another year though Covid -19 Surge is continuing. However, vaccination rush is also ongoing full speed at this time. We are cautiously optimistic and life is returning to normal.
During last one year I was more intense consuming vitamins and minerals. Especially Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-Complex, Magnesium, D3 to keep immune system stronger due to possible Covid-19 contagion, besides being careful with our diet which contain these minerals and vitamins.
Recently I increased and adjusted our diet for essential vitamins and minerals and decreased the pill forms. Here are some samples of my medicine cabinet.
More to read
During last one year I was more intense consuming vitamins and minerals. Especially Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-Complex, Magnesium, D3 to keep immune system stronger due to possible Covid-19 contagion, besides being careful with our diet which contain these minerals and vitamins.
Recently I increased and adjusted our diet for essential vitamins and minerals and decreased the pill forms. Here are some samples of my medicine cabinet.
More to read
Vitamin B6, B12, Phosphorus, Iron
Stuffed Mussels |
Vitamin C, Calcium, Zinc
Spinach Palak paneer |
Calcium, iron, Zinc, Vitamin E
Rolled Oat with fresh fruit |
Today, it is almost a year since the Covid-19 has been declared as a Pandemic and changed our lives dramatically. Although there are lots of progresses being made since then, in terms of people are being more aware of how to avoid the virus and number of vaccines being developed in multiple countries, we are still struggling to end the pandemic, not to mention the new mutants of the virus showing up in different places around the world.
This unprecedent times effected people in many ways. From kids being locked in and educated remotely, elderlies being locked in could not enjoy their most valuable time of their life........ Read more |
Keeping positive in the 2020
I believe, we always have something to be grateful for in life!
Today is November 26th 2020. Most of us may feel a little lonely this year greeting the Holidays in Covid-19 watch . We greatly miss kids with joyful voices dashing through the kitchen and trying to reach out to dessert before the dinner. Adults catching up quick conversations while sipping a mulled wine Read More |
We continue to try enjoying our life during this extended challenging times
October 2020
Today is October 7th 2020 and we still are fighting back with Covid-19 as a Nation and as a whole world.
We have been following every news, and health care source, to learn more about this virus since January 2020. We know now much more how to protect ourselves from this deadly and extremely contagious virus. We need to wear a face mask that cover our nose and mouth completely, in the public and at anywhere that we become close contact (closer than 6-7 feet) to the other people. Using goggles, eye glasses are also extra protection measure outside of the house. Being aware not to touch our face at almost all the time is next best precaution |
Washing our hands very often, principally as soon as coming home from outside is a very preventative practice.
Keeping all these in mind, we should also keep our immune system boosted. Adjusting our Life style and our diet makes this possible.
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Keeping all these in mind, we should also keep our immune system boosted. Adjusting our Life style and our diet makes this possible.
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I enjoy so much the distinctive fragrance all over around me when I harvest herbs from my mini herb garden. I feel refreshed and in perfect amity with the nature.
Each one of them have different shape of leaves, fragrance, purpose of consuming in the kitchen but also have so many health benefits. Herbs contain vital antioxidants, vitamins, phytosterols, (The simplest definition of phytosterols if following, they are vegetable oils that made by plant itself. When consumed, they compete with body cholesterol for absorption in digestive system. And block the absorption of body cholesterol therefore blood cholesterol being reduced.) and plant derived substances help us to boost our body’s immunity to fight against germs and environmental toxins. From ancient time to the date today, herbs cleanse our body, mind and spirit in different ways. read more |
Indeed, so many things around seem impossible until you look from the heart!
Life may take sharp turns at any time unexpectedly carrying despair with in, until we experience compassion in one another then misery turns to a Hope! That is what we have been living in last three months. Our daily routines, habitual behaviors, seasonal and essential shopping, travel plans, even visiting friends and relatives changed drastically as well as consequences of urban life style was huge once the pandemic hit our world. It started with people herding gloves and masks all the way from January 2020, Read more |
Keeping Healthy during the flu season-Winter 2020
It is a flu season, and yes, I agree flu vaccination is necessary, especially for children, elderlies and for the people with critical health conditions. If you see the statistics, vaccination prevents millions of influenza or influenza related medical visits every year. Studies show flu vaccination reduce the severity of flu even person gets flu after vaccination. Indeed, if you have special health conditions always see dr. before you get the vaccination.
My other and as much important practice to prevent flu or cold is being conscience about our diet and consume preventative foods and remedies. Almonds boost immune system, Flax seed boost your energy, Manuka honey has antimicrobial properties, Ginger stimulate the immune system to kill the virus. The most popular use of turmeric to protect the body against drug resistant virus. read more |
Happy Times 2019
give your time as a gift at this Holiday season 2019
It is the Holiday Season of 2019, despite many heart-breaking days in 2019, we are Hopefully, Joyfully getting ready for the festivities as always Loving each other. Throughout the year a daily routine of working family resembles a race track. Mom gets up first; she has to be ready for work because once kids are up, the house is a war zone. Dad follows next hardly fixing his tie while pulling the kids out of their beds. A super rushed breakfast follows after a fast bathroom round of tooth brushes half washed, toothpaste almost half squeezed out, PJ’s’ tossed on the floor, finally pants, shirts and socks put on. “Oh! Don’t forget your sweatshirts kids! “yells mother from the kitchen. read more |
Amazing Mediterranean Summer 2019
Greetings from Karaincir Bay, Bodrum / Turkey. We are coming to the end of our longest stay in 34 years at one of the most beautiful town of my native country.
Becoming semi local in four months means more visits to the farmers market, more Turkish cooking, more time with locals and daily body and soul refreshing in this cool, deep blue Mediterranean water. Read More |
"Did you know eggplants are in berry family like blueberry and watermelon?"
"Did you know first omelette was made by Romans? It was sweet because they put honey in it. They called it "Ovemele" " |
Clean, Fresh and Crispy
I decided to post this reminder note due to my growing concern about pesticides in use of produce we consume everyday.
Pesticide usage increased notably all around the globe because of ever growing population and demand on fresh produce. The farmers seem to have no choice but use pesticides to minimize their loss and meet the demand. Also it seems like recent years pesticides stuck on produce deeper than what it used to be in the old days. Like regular rinsing doesn’t seem to remove the waxy sticky chemical. Read more |
Simple and Healthy for Children
We Continue Simple-Delicious-Healthy cooking series summer long of 2019,
I see many young mothers, (especially working mothers) are challenged with providing homemade food on a daily basis. The main problem is to find the healthy food kids would like to eat as they are being surrounded with attractive but not so healthy food options. Indeed this is a deep subject, which is being addressed by many experts. I will not go into that and I will not create kid friendly recipes that are not healthy. But I believe most of the time kid’s misbehavior about eating comes from household habits and sugar-based products. read more |
Thinking Simple, Eating Simple
Eating is one of the most vital parts of our lives, and then food is available in many forms in the necessity.
More of it, every body has different habits about eating and acquiring food.
Utterly when we quest about food we find out that there is no right diet, but there are many wrong ones out there.
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More of it, every body has different habits about eating and acquiring food.
Utterly when we quest about food we find out that there is no right diet, but there are many wrong ones out there.
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Happy New Year to the world, with wishes of hope, joy and peace in everyone’s heart!
Starting with Thanksgiving preparations and continue during the month of December we spent more time in the kitchen trying to find different recipes for Christmas and New Year. I enjoy cooking in general indeed cooking something unique for a special occasion is always fun. After our daughter in law (jill) cooked Beef Wellington during their visit to Michigan for Christmas 2017; this delicious beef became one of our favorite entrées. I have no idea what recipe she followed, but since I watched her took photos and notes while she is cooking, I called the recipe “ Jill’s Wellington”. Read more... |
Happy 2018
Giving Thanks 2018
Thanksgiving is a special holiday, which brings the family together in our busy life. We all like to enjoy dinner, which traditionally includes the turkey. However making a perfect turkey is a challenge for most us at least for me. No matter which method I tried, by the time the turkey leg is fully cooked breast dries out.
Basting the breast during roasting, roasting turkey upside down, with probe, with external thermometer, buttering the breast under the skin; above the skin, brining the turkey you name it, nothing worked to our satisfaction over the years. This year for Thanksgiving dinner I thought about skipping turkey dinner but I was not ready to give up yet. What I tried is nothing new but combining two different methods together. First of all I purchased smaller Turkey. read more..... |
Chocolate Happiness 2018
Often I am thinking if there is anybody that don't like Choclate! The answer is definitely there are many. Indeed from 7 to 70 most of us love chocolate and any food made of a chocolate.
I will not go all the way to Mesoamerica time coco tree, cocoa beans or fermented drinks from chocolate date to 350 BC. , More over Aztec belief that cocoa seeds were the God of wisdom and actually used as a form of currency. Instead I like to mention the euphoric aroma and enchanting taste that makes us overjoyed. read more |
Willing to live healthy 2018
Ginger soothes the stomach
Cinnamon is an antioxidant Vanilla is relaxing Turmeric is anti-inflammatory Nutmeg is calming effect to treat insomnia Cardamom is good for indigestion, heartburn Honey antioxidant and alternate with sugar Black pepper helps turmeric absorption Coconut oil fat burning properties provide quick energy for the body Almond milk contains energy, protein, and minerals such as calcium, potassium, sodium and vitamin D. Low in calories. read more |
Already Summer 2018
We are approaching to midsummer of 2018. Sun is shining full force to the point you can cook egg under the sun! Yeah! It is pretty hot outside. Swimming pools, lakeshores, water parks are packed with people ...... read more |
Hello Spring 2018
IN northern hemisphere when u start, seeing Robin on the ground, tulips breaking through the soil, waking up with cheerful chirping finches, you know spring has arrived.
Once breaking off your shell and breathing the freshness of the nature, you may realize Read More |
Winter Moments 2018
IT is Already mid January 2018. Neighbors started taking Christmas decorations down!
Travel arrangements, family reunions, sparkling decorations, getting the tree, decorating the tree, cracking nuts...... Read more |
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Happy 2017
Family Time (Thanksgiving 2017)
Our Family Table set For Dinner
After a long tiring day we eagerly look forward to be back home in the evening.
It is good to be home relaxed, feel coziness and have a tranquil time for few hours before we retire ourselves for a day.
However mostly the time we find ourselves catching up with face books posts.....
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It is good to be home relaxed, feel coziness and have a tranquil time for few hours before we retire ourselves for a day.
However mostly the time we find ourselves catching up with face books posts.....
Read More..
Fall Rush (2017)
Health Must!
Right around the corner, summer 2017 will be over.
Do you find yourself chasing dinner after breakfast and try to live in between!
In reality many of us are skipping breakfast, having hasty unwholesome lunch and indulging in a dinner filled with carbs, fat and sugar!
You may plan a healthy dinner but after a long tiring day not fueling your body, it is likely to cave and have a dinner “easy” yet not healthy!
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Right around the corner, summer 2017 will be over.
Do you find yourself chasing dinner after breakfast and try to live in between!
In reality many of us are skipping breakfast, having hasty unwholesome lunch and indulging in a dinner filled with carbs, fat and sugar!
You may plan a healthy dinner but after a long tiring day not fueling your body, it is likely to cave and have a dinner “easy” yet not healthy!
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Summer Joys (2017)
An Orange Power, It is almost mid June 2017, summer has arrived with full force of heat.
Trees are full and gardens are colorful. More children voices being heard in the neighborhood as the schools are closing for the summer break. The colors of the fruits and vegetables are also having more variety in grocery stores and farmers markets are becoming joyful social places for the season. Read more |
Spring colorful! (2017)
Roots Rich Diet:
Roots absorb high vitamins and minerals from the ground, therefore root vegetables in general very good source of vitamin C, B A, K and vitamin E. Also they are rich in minerals of manganese, potassium, sodium, calcium, and phosphorus. Therefore root vegetables are vital elements of our diet as good antioxidants, and healing compounds. Read More |
Happy 2016
Fall was too fast :) 2016
We are celebrating fall at home first time after six years of great China adventure.
I am fascinated of vibrant colors of fall. I enjoying so much my Sugar Maple slowly turning in to deep color of orange..... Read More... |
Enjoying Summer Produce 2016
Broccoli Salad
Summer means warm weather and humidity, which cause more water loss from the body makes you feel fatigue, sleepy, less energetic mostly the time!.........
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Summer means warm weather and humidity, which cause more water loss from the body makes you feel fatigue, sleepy, less energetic mostly the time!.........
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Turkish Way in Shanghai 2016
Almost six years in Shanghai, full of memories, countless life experiences yet last six months has been most enjoyable of all and sadly my stay in Shanghai coming to an end.
I met these wonderful Expat Ladies.... 5/18/2016 read more winter squash pudding pie |
Happy Birthdays for all in 2016
New Year and new Birthdays, month Of January packed with birthdays in my family. Evidently we all feel special on our own birthday. We feel more energetic, uplifted and want to look the year or years ahead with hope, joy and filled with happiness.
“We make a wish and we blow the candles” read more February 2016 No flour almond-Choclate Cake |
Happy 2015
Merry Christmas 2015 and A Happy new year 2016
2015 Christmas arrived full speed followed by a joyful New Years Eve.
During the year, we laughed with joy; we cried with sorrow, we had hopeful days indeed sometime .... Read more.. December 2015 Roasting Stuffed Lamb |
Happy Thanksgiving 2015
Living abroad changes you and your loved ones in time. The effort of trying to adapt to the culture you are living in now draws you away from the traditional routines.
Friends, family and relatives get a new norm living... Read more November 2015 Roasting Turkey and Making Stuffing |
Celebrations, Family ties and Sweet times of Summer 2015

2015 July home leave was full of fun.
We had a chance to grill for 4th of July Holiday first time after 5 years, just like good old times, gathered around the table and beside the delicious food we enjoyed being with our family.
Semolina cookies in syrup
July 2015
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We had a chance to grill for 4th of July Holiday first time after 5 years, just like good old times, gathered around the table and beside the delicious food we enjoyed being with our family.
Semolina cookies in syrup
July 2015
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From The Authentic Cuisine of Asia 2015

Today my husband was reading an article about living abroad.
Author was talking about one need to be prepared for essential matters for everyday living before making a big move to live another country. But he forgot to mention about different flavors of the cuisine might be quite challenging in different cultures.
One of the very important aspects to live happily abroad is being open-minded for their cuisine.
Cook2b's Royal tofu
May 2015
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Author was talking about one need to be prepared for essential matters for everyday living before making a big move to live another country. But he forgot to mention about different flavors of the cuisine might be quite challenging in different cultures.
One of the very important aspects to live happily abroad is being open-minded for their cuisine.
Cook2b's Royal tofu
May 2015
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An ordinary dinner with an extra ordinary people, April 2015

I see that no matter how life prepares unfortunate surprises out of our power time to time, we still try our best to switch the channel and continue life like yesterday was the best day!
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April 2015
Hidden meatballs
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April 2015
Hidden meatballs
Happy Easter 2015

Easter comes with many flavors. After 40 days of lent Christian World indulge themselves with good variety of food. Although traditional Easter menu collection similar all around the world, each recipe has it’s local flavors and name.
The most common food is Easter Bread. A “sweet spiced bun” from which hot cross bun derived has a Greek origin.
Baking Hot Cross Buns is a common practice in England during Easter celebrations along the centuries.
March 2015
Read more..
Marzipan Easter Cake
The most common food is Easter Bread. A “sweet spiced bun” from which hot cross bun derived has a Greek origin.
Baking Hot Cross Buns is a common practice in England during Easter celebrations along the centuries.
March 2015
Read more..
Marzipan Easter Cake
Chinese New Year 2015

Another Chinese New Year is approaching during our stay in China,
People, cheerfully getting ready to reunite with their families, after a year of hard work.
And grandmothers start their story to the little ones like "Legend says!" that there was a little village once upon a time ago and Nian (a mythical evil spirit) would come to the village on the first day of the year and eat their livestock, corps, kidnap the chickens and even the kids. So the villagers found the solution to offer food for Nian; to protect themselves...
February 2015
read more..
People, cheerfully getting ready to reunite with their families, after a year of hard work.
And grandmothers start their story to the little ones like "Legend says!" that there was a little village once upon a time ago and Nian (a mythical evil spirit) would come to the village on the first day of the year and eat their livestock, corps, kidnap the chickens and even the kids. So the villagers found the solution to offer food for Nian; to protect themselves...
February 2015
read more..
Happy 2014
Merry Christmas 2014

We are the humans,
We have the finest soul among all creatures on earth!
We can think all above other living things too!
Indeed we have the power of reasoning Spirits and Thoughts!
Come to the Joy then, lets feel the Season
Hear the Christmas Bells, Sing along!
Love and Cherish one another even More!
Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear everyone! December 2014 Smoothie " Kiss"
We have the finest soul among all creatures on earth!
We can think all above other living things too!
Indeed we have the power of reasoning Spirits and Thoughts!
Come to the Joy then, lets feel the Season
Hear the Christmas Bells, Sing along!
Love and Cherish one another even More!
Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear everyone! December 2014 Smoothie " Kiss"
Hello Autumn 2014

Summer came and went by really fast.
With tears and smiles it was another memorable season for all of us.
Read more..
October 14 2014
With tears and smiles it was another memorable season for all of us.
Read more..
October 14 2014
Mother's Day 2014

“I believe, we would have a better world if we appreciate each other ‘s existence every day of our life! “
We would have happier Kids....We would have happier Mothers
We would have happier Neighbors...We would have happier Workers
We would have happier Friends ... and the list goes on!
“ And appreciation means realizing the significance of the people in our life and showing gratitude to them under every possible condition!” May 11 2014 (Melon-Papaya- Strawberry Smoothie)
We would have happier Kids....We would have happier Mothers
We would have happier Neighbors...We would have happier Workers
We would have happier Friends ... and the list goes on!
“ And appreciation means realizing the significance of the people in our life and showing gratitude to them under every possible condition!” May 11 2014 (Melon-Papaya- Strawberry Smoothie)
Happy Easter 2014

The beauty of Love that,
Can be given unconditionally,
Can grow in time patiently,
Can avoid judging at all times,
Can be shared even when you are angry!
April 20 2014 Tofu Smoothie
Can be given unconditionally,
Can grow in time patiently,
Can avoid judging at all times,
Can be shared even when you are angry!
April 20 2014 Tofu Smoothie
Christmas Spirit 2013

Christmas Spirit starts at Thanksgiving Table, Moms cook all day, bird gets roasted all afternoon, hungry children run around the dinner table impatiently, while the enchanting aroma of spicy apple cider drift through the house. is all about appreciating the hard work and good harvest of the past year, thanking God for the opportunity to be able to work; having good health to enjoy the bountiful meal that we could bring to our table as well as enjoying the sweet conversation after the dinner with the main subject being, “What about Christmas?”
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