A Healthy Mind

Happy living demands also a healthy mind, so we must find out how to keep our mind healthy.
Todays’ living especially in mostly industrialized places is pretty stressful. It may not require too much physical work yet it is mind tiring. In the history or even now the villagers have a healthier mind since they are not exposed to mind tiring elements of an urban life. Nevertheless, poorness, trapped in unsafe environment, malnutrition and being terrorized are challenging aspects for a healthy mind.
Therefore I like to offer some practices that may help to keep our mind healthy:
Controlling our mind:
We must understand that we have a natural power to control our mind as much as we can.
For instance, lets think our natural reaction to some TV shows.
-After a comedy, we laugh and feel relaxed
-After a sad movie, we drop our face, sometime cry. We immediately think what if those unfortunate events happen in our life! We go in to deep sadness, instead of feeling grateful that we are okay! :) OR :(
-After a happy ending we feel so relieved even though that is only a movie and has nothing to do with us! ;)
-After a bad news broadcast, we get worried, although mostly the time we know that we wouldn’t be able to help to the situation at the moment! :I
Do you see how a simple TV monitor may affect our emotions directed by our mind?
Do we have a choice? Yes of course!
We must be very selective about what we watch to keep our mind healthy and our emotions serene.
Filtering negative Calls:
There might be always discouraging and encouraging voices around us. The best way is to hear the only positive ones and allow our intuition and logic lead us for the next move. Did you hear “the deaf frog” story?
Some suggestions to have a healthy mind:
Listening to mind relaxing music sometime through out the day. What ever our choice would be fine.
-Walk daily, even a short walk is great way to refresh your mind.
-Challenging our brain, playing board games, solving puzzles, connecting ourself with new ideas and be productive in useful ways.
-Interacting with others; never stay alone long periods of time.
-Read books to nourish our brain with progressive information.
-Learning from our past experience to benefit our future, but never dwell in past.
-Being open for new ideas even you don’t agree with them initially. New ideas may expand our way of thinking and help us see the new possibilities. You don’t have to do what others offer at the end but it may help us along the way to decide correctly.
-Exercising daily even for 20 minutes help our brain cells to be nourished and to stay sharp.
-Exercising, deep breathing allows our brain gets more oxygen.
-Keeping a happy journal.
-Having a sideline interest; playing an instrument, learning a language, woodcarving, knitting, painting, writing and etc., anything that may allow our thoughts to get away from daily challenges.
-Sleeping well to rejuvenate your body and mind.
-Controlling our alcohol intake may certainly help to healthy and feel attentive if we enjoy drinking.
“You will be surprised that how a healthy mind can affect your life positively to find a way for a Happy living.”
march 25 2014
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