German Chocolate Log Cake
3/4 C cake flour 1/2 C cocoa powder 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp baking powder 4 eggs ( yolks and whites separated into separate bowls) 1/2 C sugar 1/4 C melted butter 5 Tbsp. yogurt (or sour cream) 1 tsp. vanilla Filling: 1 1/2 C heavy cream 1/2 C powder sugar 226 gm (1 package) cream cheese 1/2 C Coconut flakes Ganache 3/4 C heavy cream 220 gm dark chocolate chips 3/4 C chopped pecans 1/2 C coconut flakes 1 1/2 banana (halved) Making: Prepare filling in advance: Wisk heavy cream in a large bowl until it thickens Add powder sugar mix it Add cream cheese (warmed up to RT) whip it until mixture becomes smooth and creamy Add 1/2 C coconut flakes mix well Cover with saran wrap and put in refrigerator. Cake Sift flour, cocoa powder, salt, baking through into a deep mixing bowl set aside Separate eggs yolks and whites into separate bowls Add sugar into the yolks and whip to creamy texture, set aside. Melt the butter in a large mixing bowl. Add 5 tbsp. yogurt, vanilla, mix well Add yogurt mixture into creamy egg yolk mixture whip it quick with mixer Fold in dry ingredients into wet ingredients Fold in thoroughly and gently until mixture becomes lump free Whisk the egg whites until it becomes solid white and fluffy Add egg whites spoon by spoon into cake mixture and mix gently by folding with spatula. Prepare the large shallow oven tray placing a cookie sheet in it. Pour cake batter into tray spread it thin layer of a cake Bake at 350 F 15 Minutes. Check with toothpick if cake settled well. Let it cool down for 5 minutes. And transfer upside down on another cookie paper sheet on the counter. Take the filling out the fridge and spread all filling on to the cake with spatula evenly Place the banana at the edge of the cake and roll as quick and tight as possible. Take the excessive filling around the cake Wrap with saran wrap and place in fridge and keep it at least 3 hours. Ganache Heat the heavy cream in microwave (do not boil) Add 226 gm dark chocolate chips in stir until mixture becomes creamy chocolate Add pecans stir, add coconut flakes and mix. Decorating and shaping Take the saran wrap of cooled and rolled cake. Place the cake in a flat serving dish. And cut the end of it diagonally place it next to the main log, like cut branch. Spray coconut water or any kind of juice to moist the cake. Spread the ganache evenly on the cake and give a log look with the help of the fork. Decorate with marachinko cherries and fresh rosemary branch. Keep the cake in cool place. FILLING: