A Healthy Body

Eating desire is one of the most natural sense of surviving instinct .
Evidently we, the people also enjoy eating! Choice of flavor varies from culture to culture and in fact from person to person as individual's health allows.
So it seems like food intake process requires some balanced aspects.
Instead most of us,
1- Enjoy eating as much as we like, the type of the food we want and any time we want!
2-And despite all we also want to be healthy to be able to continue to enjoy our food.
Unfortunately these two don’t go together.
We have all different kind of food sources offered around us, in theory if we need to educate our self about what our body really needs and than think about our food choices; we can enjoy the food while being healthy. It may require some study but not too hard to prepare a healthy and delicious food after all.
Keeping in mind that our needs might be different than our children and the elderly people we may we have in the household. Planning the type and the amount of the food we offer carefully may be really helpful point to have a happy household too.
Here are few hints for a balanced diet in general:
1. Balance the Calorie intake according to your daily activities as much as you can. You don’t have to go by the book always listen to your body.
2. Try choosing your diet around raw vegetable and fruits. Did you know a healthy adult should consume about 4 cups fruits and vegetables daily?
3. Consume seafood especially fish; salmon, tuna are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.
4. Choose fiber rich food (if possible organic). Fibers rich foods keep you full long time so you eat less.
5. Limit or avoid saturated and trans fat intake by choosing lean meat, vegetable oil (olive oil and coconut oil)
6. Avoid white sugar, and limit any kind of sugar. Try not to use sweeteners.
7. Try to limit salt in your food.
8. If you have no allergy add nuts and legumes in to your diet.
9. If possible try to cook at home, if you eat out try being selective with your order and careful about the amount you eat.
Keeping yourself healthy increases your self-respect, supports you having good state of mind and helps your spiritual wellbeing. There fore living a happy life may become much easier. Since you feel happy, you will have a motivation to maintain your health then it drives you be more careful to choose what, how much and when you eat!
Happy eating!
March 21 2014
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