Chicken Breast Schnitzel on Hominy-Avocado Paste
1 half Chicken breast 3/4 C plain breadcrumbs 1 avocado 1 C hominy (white corn) 1 lemon 1/2 sour cream 1 clove garlic 1/2 Tbsp. coriander powder 1/2 Tbsp. chili pepper 1/2 Tbsp. cumin powder 2 Tbsp. dried dill 1 Tbsp. olive oil 1 Tbsp. Butter 1/2 C minced parsley 1/4 C chopped walnut 1/4 C 1 inch cut roasted red pepper Making: Rinse and cut the chicken breast horizontally coat with olive oil and lemon juice sprinkle some salt and freshly grinded peppercorn. Set aside Bring together peeled avocado, hominy, garlic, spices, sour cream, dill and olive oil in a food processor with high speed, give a quick pulse few times until mixture becomes a smooth paste. Add a cup of hominy into a paste give couple more quick pulse( paste shouldn't be smooth anymore. Transfer into a serving dish and rest it in fridge. Coat both side of the chicken breast slice with breadcrumbs Melt the butter in a frying pan on a medium heat Place the chicken fillets in a pan Fry one side 7 min. and the other side 10 minutes. Place the Schnitzels on the hominy paste Sprinkle minced parsley Sprinkle thinly cut roasted red peppers. Top with chopped walnuts Serve immediately with whole-wheat flat bread and steamed broccoli. 1/23/2018 Back to Poultry Page |