Sea bean Salad (Borulce Salatasi)
Sea beans are native to many coastal areas worldwide. Botanical Name “Salicornia” and it has many other local names according where it found. Since it only grows in salty soil, it is a salty vegetable. It has crisp and crunchy multi segmented stems and bright green round and hornlike branches grow irregularly on it. Sea beans are the big source of minerals and vitamins especially iodine, Mg, Fe, and vitamins A, B12, and C. Sea beans consumed different ways where they are grown. I am in Turkey and I will write a simple but delicious salad recipe made of this very refreshing vegetable. They are sold in bunches in the wet markets where we go every Saturday (Turgut Reis – Bodrum-TR). I get couple of bunches, it is enough for a dinner table and always good to make it fresh. You need to rinse well every branch few times. Ingredients: Two bunches of sea Beans A good size of pan boiled water in. (half way through) 1/2 C olive oil 1 Tbsp. lemon juice 3 cloves of garlic (mashed) 1 tsp. chili pepper 1 tsp. powdered mustard seed 1/2 Tbsp. pomegranate juice 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar Making: As easy as making this salad, cleaning and stripping edible layer from the stems take time and some effort. After cleaning, place all stems in the boiling water every branch must sink in the water. Boil at least 15 minutes; otherwise stripping green edible layer from the stems would be difficult. Once you strip all greens and collect in a salad bowl, prepare the sauce by mixing all sauce ingredients in a small bowl and spread on the bright green sea beans. Mix well and serve. Sea bean salad is good with all meats but especially perfect for seafood dishes. Enjoy! 9/9/2019 Back to soups and salads page |