Grilled pine apple salad
One ripened pine apple Avocado spraying oil One ripened avocado 1/4 C blueberries (blackberry, mulberry, strawberry, whichever is available) 5 cherry tomatoes (or few slices of tomatoes) 1/4 C crumbled feta cheese 1/4 C chopped cilantro (or parsley) 1/4 C hazelnut For the sauce 1 /4 C milk 1/2 Lemon juice 1/2 Orange juice 1 Tbsp. rice vinegar 1 tsp. coconut oil Making; Peel and cut the pine apple in 1-inch slices Spray the slices with avocado oil very slightly Grill on the grilling pan (or on the actual grill) (please do not let the slice fall apart) Roast the hazelnuts. Slice the avocados and tomatoes. Place the grilled pineapple slices, avocado slices, tomato slices and berries on a serving dish. Sprinkle cheese crumbles, hazelnut and garnish with cilantro. Drizzle sauce on it > It is really a yummy and nutritious salad as a lunch itself or a side dish near a meat dinner. To make the sauce blend all the ingredients in a blender until sauce is smooth. 5/5/2022 Back to Soup, Starters and Salad |