Green Lentil Soup
2 C green lentil (and enough water to cook the lentil initially) 3 Tbsp olive oil 3 C water + 2 C beef broth 2 Carrots 2 red Fresno (or one bell pepper.) 2 mid-size yellow onion 2 cloves garlic 1/4 C orzo (sehriye) 1/4 C tomato paste 1 Tbsp. cumin 1 Tbsp. nutritional yeast (optional) 1 Tbsp. powder chili pepper 2 Tbsp dry mint. 2 tsp. turmeric 1tsp. grated peppercorn 1 tsp, Himalaya salt Parsley and lemon wedges to garnish Making: Wash lentils really well I n strainer. Transfer in to deep soup pan and fill with water until above the lentil level (approximately 5 Cups of water) Cook lentil on medium heat until they get soften enough (definitely not too mushy) about 1/2 hour. Heat olive oil slightly in the large sauté pan. Keep heat very low at this moment. On the other side, grind the garlic and the onion and transfer to a sauté pan. Bring the heat to medium and start sauteing onions Dice carrots and peppers and combine with onions and keep sauteing Add cumin, chili pepper, turmeric, black pepper, salt and nutritional yeast (optional) Add tomato paste. Add orzo Add 3 C water and 2 C beef broth Keep simmering until your lentils ready During preparation of soup mix part your lentils becomes soft enough to add into soup mix. Pour of the cooking water and rinse the lentils once only. (Some people save this water and use for the soup but I like my soup color bright and reddish orange. Add the lentils into soup mix and simmer until orzo is fully cooked and comes about the surface. Serve hot with lemon wedges and parsley as desired. 5/5/2022 Back to Soup Salad and Starters |